Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Answers to Questions on Lab#3 (Computer Lab) Handout

1. What is the definition of a flora in microbiology? Give two examples.

All the microorganisms that live with us throughout our lifetime in a specific area of our body; no matter how hard we try; we cannot get rid of them. Examples are the flora on our skin and the flora inside our intestines (large and small.)

2. What is meant by industrial microbiology?

A scientific field that studies the ways we use or we should use microorganisms in industries.

3. Name two roles of bacteria in wastewater management?

1. Degradation of waste by the enzymes produced by bacteria
2. Killing other “bad” bacteria (competition among bacteria is controlled by human: we give the “good” bacteria a better condition to live and give the “bad” bacteria a worse condition to die.)

4. Name two bacteria which have anti-cancer activities?

Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium

5. What is the definition of bioremediation? Give an example of a bacterium involved in this process.

The use of biological organisms such as plants or microbes to aid in removing hazardous substances from an area; the example is the oil-eating bacterium.

6. What is a biopolymer? What types of biopolymers are produced by microorganisms?

Biopolymers are polymers produced by living organisms. Cellulose, starch, proteins, and DNA and RNA are all examples of biopolymers, in which the monomeric units, respectively, are sugars, amino acids, and nucleotides.

7. What are probiotics and what are they used for?

The term "probiotics" refers to dietary supplements or foods that contain beneficial or "good" bacteria that are similar to those normally found in your body. Example: probiotics in yogurt to restore the intestinal flora by killing “bad” bacteria.

8. Name the field of science that is concerned with the use of bacteria in technology.

Industrial microbiology (bacteriology) and biotechnology

9. Name two applications that bacteria can have on plastic products.

Breakdown (landfills) and production (tires)

10. Name three applications of bacteria in dairy industries.

Yogurt, cheese, kefir, sour cream …

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